
The week in review

2 sundays ago, we enjoyed an amazing general conference weekend
Monday I had surgery on my eyes and realized that I have the best friends ever (here and in utah)
I took 2 days off work for it and enjoyed about 80 percent of it in bed
Wednesday I went back to work where there was a lice invasion and I think I have checked enough heads to be a pro
Thursday we signed up to have the missionaries over for dinner but had no time to cook after work
We took them out instead
Friday Morgan was on a recruiting trip to BYU (AKA Laser Tag event)
So I spent the evening shopping at a couple stores and crafting at home with a rented movie
Saturday we went allll the way to Ikea and got a new shelf and tried a new pizza place along with a Wes Anderson movie with our friends melanie&james
Sunday we had a great time at church where we actually got to go to the real 2nd and 3rd hour (no nursery)

Today we had some real highs and lows
Morgan drove me to an appointment so that we could go out to lunch together and his car wouldn't start when we were finished
Luckily we have a great friend that came right over to give us a ride home
Then we talked to our leasing agent and signed a new lease and will be moving into a new space (here in the same building) over the next couple of weeks (so excited!)
After work we decided to go out for a bite (yes, second time of the day) and stopped to see if we could get Morgan's car to start so that we wouldn't have to tow it
Good news: his car will live to see hopefully more than just A new day.
It started.


James said...
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meandmr.com said...

I love that picture of Gus! I miss him already :)