

I've been picked by my sister-in-law Kerryjune to share 6 things about myself!

1. What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time? 
I like painting my nails and doing all things unproductive. Online shopping. Real shopping. Stalking bloggers. Looking at pinterest. Trying to find things on craigslist and ebay that I couldn't afford otherwise. I like to try to be crafty too.

2. Where is the furthest you have traveled?
I've got two that stand out and they are right around the same longitude, so they both can count. The first would be India. India was incredible. It is busy and unpredictable and mysterious. I would LOVE to go back and explore more of countryside. The second is just a bit above india in West China, the Xinjiang Province. I think this has been my favorite place that I've been to so far. It may be in China, but Islamic culture dominates there. It is a magical place and it feels completely different from China.

3. If you could see any Band/Singer who would it be?
I've been stuck on Best Coast lately, so in this moment, that is who I would pick.

4. What is one guilty pleasure?
Reality Tv. Really just any bad TV. I like lifetime movies, cheesy teen shows like Degrassi, things like The Vampire Diaries, any disney show or movie (Secret Life of the American Teenager, etc), and reality tv: The Kardashians, True Life, Real Housewives shows, basketball wives, MTV challenges, the little couple. Seriously, all reality TV.  It's embarrassing. 

5. What is your favorite clothing item?
This is kind of impossible for me to answer so I'm going to assume that accessories count and just say all accessories. I'm in the business of acquiring accessories right now because they makes even the most boring outfit or the days when you feel like you have nothing to wear all better. Bracelets, rings, necklaces, scarves, hair accessories, purses, can I include shoes? I'm basically listing everything BESIDES clothes. Actually, Kerryjune has made me want all colors of glasses to wear also. 

6. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
This is something that Morgan and I have been doing a lot of thinking about. His job is so unpredictable and we seem to always be in the process of interviewing for the next job. We don't even know where we will be a year from now. There are 3 possibilities. The first happens if he gets an awesome job offer and we move to some big city like NYC or San Francisco for it. The second happens if he can find a great job that interests him in Utah and we move back there. The last happens if neither of those things happens or if we just decide it's the right thing for us and that is going somewhere for him to go to grad school. It's all dependent on his jobs. But I do know that we will be happy and in love and on a new adventure. Maybe even with a little one.

my picks are:


Your questions:

1. If you could have your dream job, what would it be?
2. Who is your style icon?
3. Any beauty secrets you're loving lately?
4. What goals you want to accomplish this year?
5. What is one of your guilty pleasures?
6.What is one of your most embarrassing moments?

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